Category: Media Mentions

Information about our activities published in the mass media.

Published: August 13, 2024

At Wild at Life e.V., we work to protect rhinos in Zimbabwe’s Bubye Valley by using AI technology to stop poaching and collaborating with local communities. The Nzira article talks about our conservation efforts, highlighting how we combine technology with direct rescue missions to help these endangered animals. Our goal is to ensure that rhinos […]

April 7, 2024

If you want to learn more, please read the article at the following link: Im Einsatz gegen Wilderer: Tierschützer setzen auf neue KI-Halsbänder (

April 7, 2024

For more information about this tragic incident, please visit the following link: Er hatte das Rudel einst gerettet: Löwe tötet Tierarzt in Nigeria |

Project update
December 1, 2023

Check out Jane Goodall Institute’s article on Tina, Januario, Walter and Jose from Mission Caita. The article is in English.

Project update
September 18, 2023

Check out La Nacion’s article on Mission Caita. The article is in Spanish.

Project update
July 20, 2023

Check out this video by OK, showing the lions’ remarkable transformation!

Project update
May 16, 2023

Heute shares the remarkable journey of the two lions in the abandoned zoo in Nigeria, showcasing their incredible transformation and the efforts taken to restore their well-being and quality of life. The article is in German.

Project update
May 12, 2023 reports on the transformation of the abandoned zoo animals in Nigeria brought forth by generous donations and the tireless dedication of Wild at Life e.V.. The article is in German.

Project update
May 11, 2023

Blick unveils the transformation of the once-emaciated animals at an abandoned Nigeria zoo that took place in just two months. The article is in German.

Project update
May 11, 2023

FOCUS presents an update on the remarkable transformation of the animals residing in a once-abandoned zoo in Nigeria ever since Wild at Life e.V.’s rescue efforts. The article is in German.

Project update
May 11, 2023

OK talked about the majestic lions finding solace in an outdoor enclosure, a testament to their remarkable recovery and the power of compassion. The article is in German.

Project update
May 10, 2023

A documentary by C8, a French TV channel, featured Wild at Life e.V.’s lion conservation efforts in Zimbabwe as well as Asli Han Gedik’s amazing relationship with the lions. 45:22 – 1:01:56 is where Wild at Life e.V. appears. The

Project update
March 14, 2023

Stern made a video showing the horrible conditions of the zoo animals at the Nigerian zoo, where a lioness fell in its attempt to stand. The video and description are in German.

Project update
March 13, 2023

With a video, Blick illustrates the appalling conditions of the abandoned Nigerian zoo and emphasized how donations are much needed to relieve their plight. The video is in German.

Project update
March 11, 2023

Our rescue mission in Nigeria was covered by t-online. The video is in German.

Project update
March 10, 2023

Wild at Life e.V.’s rescue mission was picked up by FOCUS. Please keep in mind that unlike what the article states, Wild at Life e.V. is based in Frankfurt, Germany. The video and article are in German.

Project update
January 10, 2023

Wild at Life e.V. feels incredibly honoured to have been featured in ZDF. We hope that this exposure will help to raise awareness about the bushmeat and wet market industries that exist in some parts of our world. By shedding

May 5, 2022

Power of Positivity posted a video on their Instagram covering Wild at Life e.V.’s baby duiker rescue. The video’s subtitles are in English.

March 31, 2022

Learn about our passionate mission to protect these endangered creatures and the critical work we undertake to rescue, rehabilitate, and release them back into the wild. Thank you Power of Positivity for the feature!

Project update
January 28, 2022

BBC What’s New published a Youtube video on the truth behind the lion breeding industry, where lion cubs are taken at a young age to be used as attractions in petting zoos, and older lions are sold to canned hunting

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