Your gesture of support

One-time donation

Suggested amount:  25

Suggested amount:  25

Your donations are processed securely.
We accept caredit cards and other methods offered by Payrexx and PayPal.


We will be adding a small amount to your declared donation to cover the fee required by the payment operator. We trust this adjustment will be acceptable to you. Thank you for your understanding and generosity.

Prefer bank transfer? Use the data below.

Wenn Sie einfach eine Überweisung machen möchten, können Sie untern unsere Kontoinformation finden.‌

Wild at Life e.V.
Bank Account: Deutsche Skatbank
IBAN: DE12830654080004947703

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Please note that donations made in Germany are tax deductible.

Your contribution not only has a significant impact on the lives of animals, but also gives you the opportunity to take advantage of tax benefits.

Donate today and be part of the Wild at Life movement!

Together, let’s create a world where animals thrive, thanks to your kindness and generosity.

Help us in our mission to keep animals ALIVE. In Wild at Life e.V. our work is funded entirely by generous donations from supporters like you. Your input is crucial in bringing about long-term changes in the lives of animals. By paying today, regardless of the amount you choose, you will directly contribute to saving animals from unnecessary suffering. With your compassionate support, we can continue our life-saving efforts.

On behalf of animals, thank you very much for your invaluable support!

Go to the next level.
Become an adoption Guardian!

Your symbolic adoption provides critical support for our work while also making a special connection with one of the animals in our care. Choose from the list below to find your perfect match.