Tag: blind

Project update
Published: August 6, 2023

Four days before World Lion Day 2023, Alma passed at the age of 23.

Project update
November 18, 2020

The Epoch Times published an article on Wild at Life e.V.’s Ziniaré Zoo mission, detailing the improvements seen after Wild at Life e.V.’s intervention. For example, the hippos now have a clean pool, which was half-empty before and filled with

Project update
November 3, 2020

This video by RTL News shows the horrible living conditions of the zoo animals in Ziniaré Zoo. The article and subtitle are in German.

Project update
October 25, 2020

VN Express reports on Ziniaré Zoo in Burkina Faso, where 98% of the animals that were raised in the past six years of the zoo’s operation have died. The article is in Vietnamese.

Project update
October 23, 2020

news.com.au covers Wild at Life e.V.’s Ziniaré Zoo rescue mission including pictures of the animals’ first meal in weeks. The article is in English.

Project update
October 22, 2020

BlitzTV Italy posted a video on Wild at Life e.V.’s Ziniaré Zoo mission. The Instagram post is in Italian.

Project update
October 22, 2020

The Sun details the horrifying scenes found at Ziniaré Zoo where the animals – living in their own waste – are left to fend for themselves. And the surviving ones were so weak from the lack of food that they

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