News from the wild

Safeguarding Rhinos through Conservation Efforts

Published on: March 17, 2024

The poaching crisis facing rhinos, driven by the demand for their horns, is a devastating reality. Each year, hundreds fall victim to this illegal trade, with their horns sought after for perceived medicinal and ornamental purposes.

Our organization is dedicated to combating this tragedy through innovative measures. We employ AI-powered tracking devices, allowing us to monitor their movements and swiftly respond to any threats. Additionally, we collect plasma samples to create a comprehensive database, aiding in the identification and protection of individual rhinos. By leveraging technology and scientific advancements, we strive to keep these magnificent creatures safe from harm, preserving their populations for future generations to admire and cherish.

AI-Powered Tracking Devices

We use AI-powered tracking devices for rhinos to monitor their movements and behaviors for several crucial reasons. Firstly, these devices help us to understand their habitat preferences, migration patterns, and daily routines, which are vital for effective conservation strategies. By collecting data on where they roam, we can identify key areas for protection and ensure they have access to suitable habitats.

Secondly, these devices serve as a powerful tool against poaching. With real-time tracking capabilities, we can swiftly respond to any suspicious activity or threats to the rhinos’ safety. This allows law enforcement and conservation teams to intervene promptly, potentially saving lives and deterring poachers.

Moreover, the data collected from these devices provides invaluable insights into rhino health and well-being. We can monitor factors such as stress levels, activity levels, and social interactions, aiding in the early detection of illness or injury. This proactive approach to monitoring their health helps us to provide timely medical intervention when needed, ultimately contributing to their overall survival and reproductive success.

Plasma Samples

We collect plasma samples from rhinos as part of a unique and innovative approach to conservation and anti-poaching efforts. These plasma samples serve a critical purpose: they become a lifeline for rhinos who may fall victim to poaching in the future.

When a rhino is poached, its horn is brutally removed, often leaving the animal to bleed to death.

This means that the rhino whose plasma we collected becomes a blood donor for their fellow rhinos in need. When a rhino is poached and survives the ordeal, each plasma donor rhino becomes a potential savior for their kind, offering a second chance at life to those who have suffered at the hands of poachers.

Why do we Trim the Horns?

The answer lies in disrupting the illegal trade that fuels poaching. Rhino horns are highly sought-after commodities, fetching exorbitant prices on the black market. By preemptively trimming the horns under controlled, safe conditions, we remove the incentive for poachers to target these animals. Without their horns, rhinos become less attractive targets, reducing the risk to their lives.

Moreover, trimming the horns is a proactive approach to safeguarding their well-being. Poachers often resort to brutal methods, including tranquilizer overdoses or even hacking off horns while the rhinos are still alive. This barbaric practice not only causes immense suffering but also poses grave risks to the rhinos’ health and survival.

By trimming the horns safely and humanely, we eliminate the need for rhinos to endure the trauma of poaching attempts. It’s a preventative measure that aims to keep these animals safe, healthy, and thriving in their natural habitats. Additionally, the removed horns are often stockpiled or marked with indelible dye, making them worthless on the black market.

In the video below, we see the devastating effects of rhino poaching. It exposes the brutal reality of poaching and shows our organization’s efforts to fight against it. You can also see us in action deploying the tracking devices on the rhinos as well as collecting plasma samples.

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