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This week, Turkey implemented a new law imposing severe restrictions on pet ownership, making it nearly impossible for citizens to adopt stray animals. Under this regulation, individuals living in older buildings (with 5 to 15 apartments) can only adopt if every neighbor provides written consent. In larger housing complexes with more than 15 apartments, which […]
📍Sri Lanka Since the early 2020s, we have been dedicated to addressing the growing stray population in Sri Lanka. This vibrant and beautiful country faces a heartbreaking contrast: while its landscapes are breathtaking, countless stray dogs and cats struggle to
We’ve been incredibly busy in📍Türkiye, from providing coats to protect strays to engaging in critical discussions and protesting against the new animal law.
This year, we focused on helping stray animals in Tunisia and Türkiye. In Tunisia, we ran a five-day feeding program and worked with locals to set up ongoing feeding and water stations. In Türkiye, we are facing a crisis due
This year, we focused on helping stray animals in Tunisia and Türkiye. In Tunisia, we ran a five-day feeding program and worked with locals to set up ongoing feeding and water stations. In Türkiye, we are facing a crisis due
The Issue of Stray Dogs in Türkiye In Türkiye the issue of stray animals, particularly dogs, creates huge challenges, and there are several reasons why the problem persists and keeps getting worse. One major reason is abandonment. When owners can
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