Power of Positivity has put together a lovely video introducing Wild at Life e.V. and the works that we do. The video is in English.
Power of Positivity has put together a lovely video introducing Wild at Life e.V. and the works that we do. The video is in English.
Help us increasing social commitment in saving endangered wild species. Express your support by sharing this article in your favorite social media channel.
Dear Friend of Wildlife, One of our favorite animals here at Wild at Life is the pangolin. From the Giant pangolin in Central and South Africa to the small Sunda pangolin in Southeast Asia, there are eight incredible species total.World
Some like them. Others hate them: Pigeons. It is important to find a reasonable mean and to give these animals what they are entitled to without a doubt: Respect. Respect for a life.The pigeons in Frankfurt are doing badly as
Remember Sox, the hippo who considers himself an honorary member of our Livingstone elephant herd? Sox is always coming and going, sometimes wandering on his own and other times joining the herd to play and relax. He’s part of the
Marine Turtles are a successful group of animals that have witnessed the rise and fall of the dinosaurs. They have inhabited the earth for over 100 million years and survived in huge numbers until the recent past. They have evolved
📍Sri Lanka Since the early 2020s, we have been dedicated to addressing the growing stray population in Sri Lanka. This vibrant and beautiful country faces a heartbreaking contrast: while its landscapes are breathtaking, countless stray dogs and cats struggle to
We’ve been incredibly busy in📍Türkiye, from providing coats to protect strays to engaging in critical discussions and protesting against the new animal law.
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