Some like them. Others hate them: Pigeons. It is important to find a reasonable mean and to give these animals what they are entitled to without a doubt: Respect. Respect for a life.The pigeons in Frankfurt are doing badly as in almost all big cities. Due to a lack of food sources, they are forced to stay in close proximity to people,because there is the only way to find food. Due to a lack of suitable breeding and sleeping places, pigeons have to visit bridges, balconies and otherunsuitable places to live their human-grown behaviour. They live a life of misery, neglect and mass reproduction. Wehave a meaningful and sustainable way to offer that does justice to both -humans and animals.
One of the most effective and ethical methods we use is egg swap. We work closely with the German animal welfare association in Frankfurt to locate pigeon nesting sites in subway tunnels, train stations, garages, and other urban spaces. When we find pigeon nests, we carefully switch their eggs with plastic ones. This method prevents new generations from being born while allowing the pigeons to continue their natural nesting behavior without stress. It is essentially a form of spaying and neutering, but adapted for birds.