Current information on the activities undertaken by Wild At Life.
Current information on the activities undertaken by Wild At Life.
Rhino poaching is still a major problem, especially in South Africa, which is at the center of this crisis. In 2023 alone, 586 rhinos were killed across Africa, which means a rhino was poached every 15 hours. The main reason rhinos are targeted is for their horns, which are highly valued on the black market. […]
Four months ago, we rescued a group of mini pigs from appalling conditions. Lucky, along with Scarlett, Susi, Schorsch, Theodor, Peter, and Eddi, were found huddled together in a filthy, cramped corner of a slaughterhouse, surrounded by piles of rotting
Join supporters like Leonor O., who generously donates €50 a month to help fund our vital work for lions. Through her ongoing support, she’s helped cover the cost of vital medical treatments for injured lions like Ndulu. Our monthly donors,
At Wild at Life e.V., we are dedicated on rhino conservation across the African continent, combining cutting-edge technology with community-driven efforts to protect one of the planet’s most iconic species. Our approach empowers local communities to take an active role
Our orphaned baby buffalo, Madeleine, is making incredible progress! She’s growing more each day, and we’re so excited to share that her little horns are starting to come in! It’s heartwarming to see her thrive, especially after everything she’s been
Through our work, we have rescued many lions from some of the worst imaginable circumstances. Many of these majestic creatures were saved from canned hunting farms, where they were bred solely to be killed for sport. This cruel industry turns
📍Burkina Faso A few years ago, together with our partner, The Association for the Protection of Fauna and Flora, we had a distressing investigation at a zoo in Burkina Faso. The 112-hectare zoo was home to numerous endangered species, many
On August 12th, we celebrated World Elephant Day—a perfect opportunity to honor these incredible animals and think about how we can help them. Our sanctuary in Zambia is home to nine elephants who have survived poaching and drought, along with
📍Angola We’re excited to share that everything is going well at Mission Caita. Our team is working hard to rescue chimpanzees and other primates who have been affected by the illegal wildlife trade. We’re happy to report that the chimpanzees
As the disaster season re-emerges, we are once again faced with the devastating reality of wildfires in Türkiye. The situation has become critical, with two major wildfires erupting on the West Coast just a few days ago. Our volunteer teams
This year, we focused on helping stray animals in Tunisia and Türkiye. In Tunisia, we ran a five-day feeding program and worked with locals to set up ongoing feeding and water stations. In Türkiye, we are facing a crisis due
We recently rescued a baby waterbuck from a dangerous situation. This little girl was caught in a snare, which is a trap often set by poachers. Snares are very dangerous because they can hurt or kill any animal that gets
Yesterday, was World Chimpanzee Day, a moment to celebrate these incredible creatures and raise awareness about their plight. Chimpanzees, our closest living relatives, are facing numerous threats that have pushed them to the edge of extinction. At Wild at Life
The Crisis Facing Pangolins Pangolins, unique creatures that look like a mix between an aardvark and an armadillo, are the most trafficked mammals in the world. They are illegally hunted for their scales, which are in high demand on the
Exciting news from our sanctuary! We’re thrilled to introduce you to the newest member of our rescue family: Madeleine, a baby buffalo! Though her start in life was tough, this little fellow is already stealing hearts. Found near her mother’s
Wild at Life operates an elephant sanctuary in Zambia, home to 9 poaching and drought survivors, alongside Sox the hippo. Let by the matriarch Madinda, they are living peacefully, roam freely, crossing the river daily and sometimes venturing into Zimbabwe
Our organization is dedicated to combating this tragedy through innovative measures. We employ AI-powered tracking devices, allowing us to monitor their movements and swiftly respond to any threats. Additionally, we collect plasma samples to create a comprehensive database, aiding in
What The Mission Is About Our mission of wildlife conservation and anti-poaching has been very successful so far. In honor of Caita, a chimpanzee that became a victim of poachers, the ongoing rescue operations of trafficked primates in Angola was
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