News from the wild

Saving Strays in Tunisia and Türkiye

Published on: August 13, 2024
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This year, we focused on helping stray animals in Tunisia and Türkiye.

In Tunisia, we ran a five-day feeding program and worked with locals to set up ongoing feeding and water stations.

In Türkiye, we are facing a crisis due to a proposed law that threatens millions of strays with mass killing. We joined a peaceful demonstration to oppose this law and urge the government to adopt humane solutions like spaying, neutering, and vaccinations.


In Türkiye, there is a huge crisis with stray animals due to an upcoming law that could strip millions of stray animals of their right to exist. A proposed legal amendment to allow the collection and killing of stray animals is awaiting approval in the parliamentary commission. If passed, animals will be exterminated on the streets, and there is not enough shelter or treatment for these dogs.

We urge the government to withdraw this proposal and work towards ethically controlling the stray population through spaying, neutering, and vaccinations. No one should have the right to kill animals for their own benefits and desires. We need to remain humane.

To raise our voices, we joined a peaceful demonstration   under heavy rain in Frankfurt, asking the parliament for kindness. We strongly plead: please do not pass the law, 85% of the population are against, that will lead to the killing of 4 million strays!

We believe every animal deserves to live with care and respect. The crisis in Türkiye, shows the urgent need for humane solutions. We ask the government and people everywhere to join us in opposing this law and supporting kinder alternatives. By focusing on spaying, neutering, and vaccination programs, we can manage the stray population in a humane way.

To support these efforts, we have also started a fundraiser. The money raised will help provide food and medical care for stray animals. Together, we can make a difference and create a world where kindness wins. Let’s stay human and make sure no animal has to suffer needlessly.


We also decided to help stray animals in Tunisia, after working in Morocco last year. Over five days, we fed many stray animals and made sure they got the food they needed. We also talked to local people to find good places to leave food and water for the animals, so they can have access to these resources even after we leave.

We donated a lot of food that will be given to the animals over the next few weeks. Local volunteers will help distribute this food. We will keep checking in to see how the animals are doing and provide more help if needed.

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